When I made up the batch of Macquarie and Tarkine Opals last week, I had in mind that I'd make a bracelet using small moulds to make charms. I got quite carried away and just kept adding a little of this and a little of that to stretch it just a little bit further to get the last couple of charms. So this batch has Franklin (clear Opals) in it as well as a little bit of Sapphire Powdered Pearls. Yet how different it looks with the addition of gold and amber beads!
Unfortunately, I broke a couple of the thicker casts whilst I was attaching the jump rings so this bracelet is a little bit light on in the charm department but what I learned is that you really need quite thin charms to thread the jump rings through easily (or use much larger jump rings!). Never the less, it's an interesting colour combination and very different from earlier blue/green pieces I've posted.