Over the last few days I've had fun playing with a background technique using Luminarte's Polished Pigments and Solution No. 2.
I love these pigments - the colours just pop when the solution is added to the powder. A quick stir and they are ready to be applied to the painting surface. A word of caution though - don't use your best paintbrushes for this technique and wash them immediately after you've finished.
My first samples were painted on with an old brush which gave me more control over the application. But, I like my paintbrushes and found this was a bit hard on them so I decided to try cotton buds (Q tips) for the second sheet - not bad but it's not easy painting with them as the tip doesn't flatten out against the cardstock like a brush does. I will try applying the paint using a sponge later on to see what kind of effect that has.
The two samples on the left were done on matt card (one applied thinly and one more heavily) and the one on the right is on gloss card. I thought that this technique would work even better on gloss card stock but surprisingly, you can't tell much difference at all. I do like this colour combo though... reminds me of something Asian Hmmmm..... I think these will turn into oriental ATC's.