Monday, March 1, 2021

How to Measure Resin - And Get it Right!

Should you measure resin in ONE SINGLE CUP or TWO SEPARATE CUPS?  That is a good question! If you've ever had a resin project that didn't set, even after days of curing, there's a good chance your measurements were off . Maybe you measured out too much resin... or maybe too much hardener. Resin doesn't cure properly if you don't get the measurements right... It can stay sticky on the surface It stays soft and bendy The resin can CURE TOO FAST and start to smoke (dangerous!!) Or it can crack as it cures Or it can cure yellowish instead of clear! Measuring resin accurately is absolutely essential to get good results for your project.  So, how can you make sure that you get the measurements correct so that your next resin project cures properly? And, so you don't end up with more of Part A or more of Part B left over when you get to the bottom of your resin kit...  Because there's nothing worse than WASTING resin! Well, if your resin kit tells you to MEASURE TH......