Sunday, June 11, 2023

How to Start Selling Your Resin and Craft Projects for Profit

If you're eager to make some extra moolah by selling your amazing resin crafts , you've come to the right place!  Whether you're looking to fund your crafty adventures or turn your resin hobby into a booming business, I've got some awesome tips and practices to share with you.  So, let's dive in and discover the secrets to making your resin crafts a hit in the market. Get ready to unleash your creativity and make those sales soar! These strategies apply whether you choose to sell online or face-to-face.  1. Build a Following on Social Media Whether you're selling online from your own website or face-to-face, you need a STRONG social media presence. It will help you connect with potential customers and allow you to market your handmade items.  On your social channel, you can attract online customers, announce your upcoming market stalls, share photos of your items, ...