I was disappointed with both of them when I pulled them from the mould; the tortoiseshell one was dull and lifeless and the marbling in the blue one was very mottled and not really marbled at all.
I hadn't achieved the look I was after in either of them. But I could see a way to improve them both and it just involved a little bit of elbow grease. These two cuffs are going to get two very different looks.... high gloss for the tortoiseshell cuff and frosted for the icy blue one.

Look at how the polishing treatment has brought out the colour!

The blue bangle on the other hand is a different kettle of fish.
The colour of this was very cool and it reminded me of sea glass so I decided to give it the frosted look to completely disguise the mottled marbling. This effect is much easier to achieve than the glossy look because you only need a couple of grades of course sandpaper.
The before photo hasn't picked up the translucency or the marbling of this bangle but you can see it's a little bit mottled.

Well I have a little trick that I use which helps me decide. Hold the bangle under water and then lift it out. How it looks whilst it still has water on it is a really good indication of how it will look if it's buffed. So if you like it, then buff it; if you don't, then leave it be.
I'll be back with another resin tip later in the week.
'Til next time.....

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