After flying across the Pacific and then half way across the US I've finally touched down in Chicago and I'm rearing to go for CHA. With the enormous banners on the outside of the building there is no doubt that CHA has come to town too!
The Donald E Stephens Convention Center is located just a few minutes from the airport so there is a lot of air traffic flying over and one of the ways they've combated the noise level is with this beautiful fountain which sits in the forecourt of the Convention Center. The sound of water splashing and tumbling is very soothing and of course cooling with the warm weather Chicago is turning on for us. If you sit and watch it long enough, you'll see it change colours. Here it is all bathed in a red/purple glow.

Today is Education Day and I booked myself into 3 sessions that centred heavily around social media: Things like building a better blog and how to manage all your different social media platforms. I didn't realise I had so many to manage: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linked In, You Tube and of course my blog. I can use all the help I can get where social media is concerned so it was good to learn that there are tools to make the job easier and I'm hoping to implement some of them in the near future.
Tomorrow brings the opening of the show floor and I'm excited to see what's new. Look out for some posts about the things that catch my attention later in the week.
'Til next time.....

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