Hugs and Kisses abound on Valentine's Day! And this darling little bracelet says it all - XOXO - how adorable!
On my recent trip to California I came across a number of great bead shops but one of the best shops I visited was Legendary Beads. Their selection of beads and jewellery supplies is excellent and I found lots of goodies to bring home with me. But it wasn't until I was at the cash register finalising my purchases that I saw the fabulous little XOXO bracelet kit. It was very smart placement to have it at the counter - like lollies at the checkout in the supermarket! The display was so cute that I couldn't resist bringing one home with me.
You only need some basic jewellery making skills to put it together but it didn't come with any instructions so here's a few photos that should be helpful.
The wirework XOXO is already preformed for you so you don't need any wireworking skills at all.
Firstly, you'll need to tape the end of the mouse tail. Cut the mouse tail into two 15cm lengths - a little more if you have wider wrists and a little less if you have narrow wrists.
Thread the taped end of the cord through one end of the loop and then remove the tape.
Place the end of the mouse tail in a cord end and fold over one flap at a time to encase the cord securely. For a neater finish, you can use the end-hole of the Mighty Crimper to round the cord end. Repeat on the other end of the cord.
Open a jump ring and hook on the two cord ends. Complete the other side of the bracelet in the same way but add the clasp to the jump ring as well.
And there you have it - such a lovely way to say "I Love You"!
Happy Valentine's Day!
'Til next time.....

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