Sunday, June 11, 2023

How to Start Selling Your Resin and Craft Projects for Profit

If you're eager to make some extra moolah by selling your amazing resin crafts, you've come to the right place! 

Whether you're looking to fund your crafty adventures or turn your resin hobby into a booming business, I've got some awesome tips and practices to share with you. 

So, let's dive in and discover the secrets to making your resin crafts a hit in the market. Get ready to unleash your creativity and make those sales soar!

These strategies apply whether you choose to sell online or face-to-face. 

1. Build a Following on Social Media

Whether you're selling online from your own website or face-to-face, you need a STRONG social media presence. It will help you connect with potential customers and allow you to market your handmade items. 

Drawing of a hand holding a mobile phone with social media icons floating around it

On your social channel, you can attract online customers, announce your upcoming market stalls, share photos of your items, have giveaways and build customer loyalty.

Here's what to do...

- Start by creating YOUR OWN group, page or shopfront. You can use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Etsy, etc. but you need somewhere you can connect with people who are interested in you and your products


  • Choose only one or two platforms so you're not spread too thin and you can concentrate your efforts building a following.


  • Post regularly and consistently. Here are some post ideas to get you started:


  • Share selective parts of your creative process. You don't have to give away all your secrets... just show a glimpse of you in action making your projects.

    • Talk about how customers should care for the pieces they buy
    • Show your creative space. People LOVE to see your work area, how you store supplies, etc.
    • Give them a peek into a commission you're working on
    • Share some stellar feedback you've received from a customer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    • Show how you package your items
    • Tell them how you got into resin (or crafting)
    • Sales posts. I've left this one to last because you need to post a lot of other content with value and interesting information inbetween your sales posts. Try not to be be always selling... it's a surefire way to lose your followers and fans which means you'll make fewer sales.

Gloved hand placing a dried red rose into resin in a large hexagon-shaped silicone mould

2. Get Business Cards 

When you're starting out on your business journey, money might be tight. But spending money on business cards and branded stickers is a good investment. They contain your contact details and make a good first impression of your brand. 

You can keep the cost down by using inexpensive services like VistaPrint or Canva. These services have design tools and templates to make designing your business stationery easy. Just pick a template and customise it.


3. Sell to Your Family (no, you can't give everything to them for free!). 

This is a great way to test the waters and get some feedback on how saleable your items are. 

Your family will no doubt be proud of what you have made... but ask them for honest feedback

You'll find some family members are brutally honest, so be prepared for criticism as well as praise. Ask them what they like about the item and what can be improved to make your resin pieces even better. 

4. Sell to Your Friends and WORKMATES. 

Friends and colleagues are other good avenues you can tap into while you're building your social media following. 

If you work in a large organisation, your coworkers can be a great source of sales around Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, Father's Day, Christmas, etc. Your workmates will love you for making their shopping SO EASY and it can lead to future commissions and word-of-mouth sales once they know what you can make.

Your friends are also good at helping to spread the word on their social media! 

5. Sell at Maker's Markets (not flea markets). 

If you love meeting and talking to people, then craft fairs are for you. You'll be able to chat with potential customers when they visit your stall and tell them about the story behind the pieces they're interested in. Buyers LOVE to hear the story behind the creation of the piece they've fallen in love with. It makes the piece even more special to them.

When you're looking for a market, choose one with other vendors selling handcrafted or artisan wares. 

Drawing of a craft market with handmade goods on display and people wandering around the stalls

There are also juried markets where you must apply, pay a fee, and wait to be accepted. This system ensures that the quality of the items being sold meets a high standard. 

6. Have Some Items at a Low Price Point
Colourful dollar notes and a stack of coins with two price tags

Whether you're selling online or in person, always have a few items at a low price point that people are willing to spend a few bucks on, as well as higher-priced pieces. This is really important at markets so that you draw people into your booth. Remember the old adage - a crowd attracts a crowd. And nothing says that your booth is worth visiting more than a crowd that has already gathered!

7. Price Your Work to Sell

It goes without saying that you need to make a profit when you sell your work. 

It's important to strike a balance between covering your costs and making a profit, while also being competitive in the market. Here are some tips that will help you find the sweet spot for pricing your handmade resin pieces

  • Consider the cost of materials, packaging, and shipping.
  • Factor in the time and effort you put into creating each piece.
  • Be honest with yourself about the quality and value of your craftsmanship.
  • Research similar handmade items online or in local stores to get an idea of the general price range.
  • Start with a reasonable price and adjust as you gather feedback and experience.
  • Avoid pricing too low, as it may undermine the perceived quality.
  • Be cautious of pricing too high, as it might deter potential buyers.
  • Trust your instincts and aim for a price that reflects both the value you offer and the satisfaction of your customers.
When pricing your handmade goods, don't forget to include your marketing costs, things like booth costs, CRM platform, and selling fees if you're using Etsy or any of the other shopping platforms.

Remember, finding the right price may take some trial and error, but with a little patience and confidence, you'll find the sweet spot. 

8. Make Things that People Actually Want!

Check out markets and successful Etsy stores to see what type of items sell the best. 

Is it jewellery, homewares, keychains, board games, ornaments, tumblers, etc? 

Once you've determined what's selling, think about how your items fit into these categories. Is there a gap in the market that hasn't been filled yet? Can you make items that fill that gap?

9. Stop Making Things YOU Like

This one is an extension of the one above, but it's something we often ignore... 

We make things that WE like making rather than things that THEY (your customers) like. 

So make sure you do the research, like checking out successful Etsy stores, asking your family and friends what they would buy, and checking out craft markets to see what's selling, etc.

10. Make Unique Items

If your items are exactly the same as everyone else's, they'll get lost in a sea of monotony. 

If you want to make the same items as everyone else, put your own spin on them so they stand apart. E.g. If dominoes and chessboards are what you've decided to make, and everyone is filling them with glitter, then make yours in sports teams' colours... or make them glow in the dark... or personalise them for your customer. The world is waiting for your unique creations!

Tip: If a customer requests a personalised order, take a deposit. It signifies their commitment to the purchase and helps you purchase the supplies you need to make it.

Whatever you choose to make, have a point of difference about them. Here are some ideas for how to use common moulds in different ways

11. Make Quality Your Priority

Make sure your resin skills are up to scratch and the items you're selling are of good quality. 

While handmade items are known for their unique charm, you don't want bubbles or rough/sharp edges to be present. Some irregularities are acceptable, but pieces still need to be well made. 

Need to sharpen up your resin skills? Resin School will help you become an expert Resinista.

12. Place Items on Consignment in Boutiques, Hairdressers and Cafés

Get your pieces in front of more eyes in local fashion boutiques, hairdressing salons, etc. This is a great place for resin jewellery items. How about filling your items with coffee beans for the local café?!!

Square resin bangle bracelet filled with coffee beans, sitting on a white table top, in front of two coffee mugs

Keep in mind that there are commissions to pay and possibly sales tax/GST applicable to these sales and these will increase the selling price so that you can maintain your profit margin. 

13. Collect Your Customer's Contact Details

Collect your buyer's contact details and add them to your email list whenever you make a sale. These are qualified buyers who like what you make so it makes sense to keep in touch with them by sending them regular newsletters or updates with helpful tips about your products: how to care for them, what new products you have available, special offers, etc.

I use ActiveCampaign (they have a free trial to get you started). Or start out with a free MailChimp account.

14. Learn Some Basic Photography and Editing Skills 

Learn how to style your product photos to make potential buyers click on your items. Even better, if it's a jewellery item, show the item being worn by a real person. If it's a useable or decorative piece, show the item in use or styled in a vignette. It gives potential buyers a better sense of how your item looks on them or in their home. It can tip an undecided buyer across the line to make that purchase.

Also, learn some basic photo editing skills like brightening and cropping your photos. Blurry and dark photos do nothing to enhance your products, but great photos will help sell your creations.

Smartphones take pretty good photos, so there's no need to invest in expensive cameras. 

But one thing that made a huge difference in my photos is a light tent. I started out with a portable tabletop light tent. It diffuses the light, eliminates reflections and removes the shadows. 

My studio cat also thinks it's a great place to take a nap!Cat sitting inside tabletop light tent

15. Write Great Titles and Descriptive Captions

Online listings need great titles and descriptive captions. You don't have to be flowery, but explain why a customer NEEDS your product. Make your product irresistible and use the keywords THEY are searching for so you increase the chances of your listings coming up in search results.

16. Create Holiday Crafts Ahead of Time

The lead-up to holiday celebrations like Christmas, Mother's/Father's Day, and Valentine's Day is a great time to make extra sales if you prepare earlier enough.

Create holiday-themed crafts around 3-6 months ahead. That gives you time to market your items as well as create enough stock in the lead-up to the occasion. So for Christmas, aim for July-September. For holidays and celebrations like Valentine's Day and Mother's Day, 3 months is usually enough time.

4 gold, white and red handmade Christmas ornament shapes - bell with flower centre, bell with reindeer, heart with inner cutout heart and bell with Christmas tree. Each one is embellished with sparkly red or clear crystals

17. Put Some Effort into Your Packaging

Once you've made a sale, packaging your items up nicely adds to your customer's buying experience. You may think it's an extra expense but you don't have to spend a fortune on it. It can be as simple as using pretty tissue paper from the dollar store and a branded sticker or pretty paper shreds to cushion and protect your handmade creation. 
The top photo is four pink resin geode coasters in a rectangular box, alongside a box of pink and cream paper shreds. The bottom photo is of a rectangular package wrapped in bubble wrap being placed inside a shipping box.

One of the most important aspects of shipping your handmade resin items off to their new home is to pad them well. There is nothing worse than goods arriving broken or damaged at their destination. Once your package is shipped, you have no control over how it is treated in transit to its new home, so make sure you protect it by padding it.

Tip: Include a small thank you gift with each purchase. Your customer will love the thoughtfulness and will appreciate the added value. If your customer has a good shopping experience with you, there's a better chance of them becoming repeat customers.

Building brand awareness takes time, effort, and consistency. By following these tips and strategies, you can create a brand that resonates with your target audience and stands out from the crowd. Remember to be authentic, consistent, and focused on providing value to your customers, and you will see the results of your efforts over time. 

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Square wooden serving board with green, gold and white marbled resin in the corner. Test overlay reads How to Sell your resin crafts and make money - 17 ideas to try now.

Happy Resining!

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