I found this wonderful quote today and thought how true it is! In my household of six adults it is a never ending quest to have a clean home. Take the laundry for instance.... no sooner has the day's laundry gone through the wash cycle, been hung out to dry, sorted, folded and put away, than there is another pile of washing at the end of the day. It is just like stringing beads without knotting the end.
So today I decided to ditch the household chores and string beads..... with a knot in the end of course! Only my knots are at the end of each feature bead.

Stringing beads is a much more satisfying pursuit than keeping the laundry up to date, don't you agree?
Anyway, I'm very pleased with the finished piece. If you'd like to add it to your jewellery collection why not check it out in my Etsy shop.