I am thoroughly enjoying working with this range of products and I'm really happy to say that they are Australian made. Cheree and Denise are working very hard to bring this product to market and you will begin to see it appear in more and more shops in the coming months. And I've heard a whisper that they are about to release their Christmas range so keep an eye out for that!
But now, to the reason for this post - an upcoming class called Birdcage Terrarium.

If you'd like to create this wonderful project you can join me in class on Saturday, 28th August at Stamp Antics in Wynnum West. For further details about the class, check out the classes page at Stamp Antics or Mill Lane Studio.
Hope you can join me!

If you can't get enough of My Tutorials and you want even more inspiration, click here to find my books and printable pdfs