After embossing the image with a paper stub, we sanded away the surface colour revealing the silver metal beneath. Look at the detail the metal picked up.
They were kind enough to let me snap a couple of photos of their booth where they had dozens of exquisite samples but as I don't have enough room to share them all with you, here's a couple which took my eye. Once again, I apologise for the quality of the images.
My next stop was the Cousin booth. They've just released their Queen of the Nile range and I heard a whisper that they will be releasing a new theme each 3 months. They have some pretty exciting themes lined up for the next 12 months so look out for these as they are released.
I'm very excited about this range. If you're familiar with my design team work for Krafty Lady, you will have noticed that I really like the Egyptian theme. I have been fascinated with it since I was in primary school and I do hope to visit Egypt one day.

The bracelet uses the Geode components whilst the necklace is from the Bohemian range.
I stopped at The Beadery booth after this and spent a few quiet minutes making this cute little flower pin.
After walking the show floor for a couple of days, being able to sit quietly and make a pin was a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of the show floor. Isn't it a darling project? By the way, these are all acrylic beads. I think they look pretty good for acrylic.
Plaid released some new jewellery lines at the show too and this was my next stop. The exact name of the lines they were working with at the make and takes escapes me but they are along the names of Geodes and Bohemian. Sorry to be a bit vague on the names - I'm definitely suffering from information overload at this point. But Plaid will reveal all once the product reaches the market but in the meantime, you'll have to trust me when I say that they are beautiful.
The bracelet below was made with components from the Geodes range. The Plaid booth had done so many make and takes during the first two days of the show that they had run out of materials . It speaks volumes for the popularity of their products. They only had a few bits and pieces left so their challenge was for us to design our own make and take. What fun!
I got to complete the bracelet and necklace below.
Wow, it was a busy day! I can't believe how much I managed to fit in. Of course, it wasn't all about the make and takes: there were a lot of people that I met with in between, but it's way more fun to talk about the things I saw at the show.
I'll be back tomorrow with the final day of the show. By the last day, the make and takes have completely wound down. But I'm sure I'll find some more interesting things.
'Til next time.....
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