How did you go with your resolutions last year?
Do you make resolutions?
Or are you sensible and realise that you have shortcomings and failings and that there's a good chance that you won't actually achieve them so you don't set them in the first place?
I'm not a big resolution maker either but I did give myself a challenge back in January 2012 to commit more of my ideas to paper BEFORE committing them to the materials I planned to use. I hoped to have a bunch of sketches to show to you comparing the original concept with the finished project but alas, I only sketched a couple of ideas for the whole year.
I don't feel bad about this at all... and I certainly don't think I failed. I will just shift the goal line a little and give myself more time. Actually, I'm going to do more than that.... I'm going to amend the original challenge. Sketching does not come naturally to me so I now realise that this was not a realistic goal.
What I really need to do is declutter my head. Crammed inside are all my to do lists and a lot of my ideas. It gets so crowded in there at times that I can hardly hear myself think. So this year, my challenge is to get all that stuff out of my head and onto lists so I can cross things off. But only SOMETIMES.
Is that whimping out, giving myself an out when I lose discipline?
I don't think so! It's realistic..... and it's honest. And it will certainly be an improvement on the current situation.
A couple of years back my challenge for the year was to procrastinate LESS. I completely aced this one so I know I can change my ways.
And now I'll leave you with a free project to start off your crafting New Year. You can make the pretty, delicate bracelet at the top of this post by clicking on the link below. But be quick, it's only availabe for a week before it goes into the Crafts n' Things archive.
Crafts n' things Weekly - delicate blossoms bracelet
'Til next time.....

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