One of the first things you quickly learn about working with resin is that it's incredibly sticky while it cures—think honey on a hot day.
But here’s the kicker: unlike honey, resin goes on to set rock hard. So accidental spills and mishaps can turn into a real headache and it can be a real challenge to remove the resin.
When you're in the zone, lost in your creative flow and your hair falls onto your face or eyes, it's easy to subconsciously swipe it away with a sticky glove. Or maybe you lean over a resin pour to grab something and—oops—now you've got sticky resin in your hair.
So what do you do when that happens?
If you're a free spirit and like the unicorn look, then go with the flow... add some glitter, let it set and embrace your sparkly new look!🦄🌈✨
But let’s be real—if you’ve got resin in your hair, you need a solution, and FAST.
If you have long, lustrous hair, your first instinct is probably to cry... and cry... and cry at the thought of having to cut it off. 😭
Once you've got yourself together, you can try some of these hacks to remove it.
If You've Got Sticky, Wet Resin in Your Hair...
Try to get it out as soon as you realise you've got resin in your hair, so you can minimise any long-term damage.
Expert tip (speaking from experience here): if your hair is coloured, start with the gentler treatments before trying the alcohol or vinegar hacks in case it strips the colour from your hair.
- Apple cider or regular vinegar should help. Simply massage it through your hair to break down the resin. Then, shampoo as normal. Any hair products that make your hair soft will help too. You may need to repeat this process until you've gotten rid of all the resin. N.B. Avoid washing the resin down the drain. Bits can stick to the pipes, and then gunk can build up in time, causing your pipes to block.
- If this doesn't do the job, then try mixing oil (coconut oil, mineral oil, olive oil or baby oil) with the vinegar. Leave it on for about 30 minutes, and then work out the resin with your fingers. Shampoo and condition your hair.
- Rubbing alcohol—Apply with a soft cloth to remove as much as you can. Then, follow up with Dawn dish soap.
- Baby wipes—Get as much resin off as you can with the wipes and then let the resin cure. You can pick any resin residue off your hair.
- Unicone Art Magical Resin Remover is not just for getting resin off your hands. It's great for getting resin out of your hair! And its all natural, plant-based ingredients are so much kinder to your hair than alcohol.
If the Resin has Already Cured in Your Hair...
- If it's a small amount (like you touched your hair with a sticky resin glove), it will come out after a couple of washes.
- If the resin is not FULLY cured yet, you can separate the strands with your fingers and remove little bits at a time by running your nails along each strand. Over the next few days, your brush or comb should get any residue. Condition your hair really well the next time you wash it.
- You can also use alcohol, even when the resin is dry. If it's the tips of a long lock of hair, you can submerge the hair in a cup filled with rubbing alcohol to soften the resin. You'll need to keep it submerged until the resin softens. Then go back to Tip 2. Shampoo and condition your hair well because submerging it in the alcohol will dry it out.
- If there is a large amount of resin in your hair and it has dried, sad to say, it's time to visit your local salon for a new hairstyle. You'll have to cut off that long, lustrous lock or ponytail.
If all else fails, the good news is that the resin will eventually grow out.
How to Avoid Getting Resin in Your Hair...
- Don't touch your hair while you have gloves on.
- Tie your hair back with a scrunchie. For shorter hair, use clips to keep it off your face. Then, you'll never have to brush your hair out of your eyes while wearing sticky gloves. Clipping it back will also help prevent loose hairs from falling into the resin.
- Better still, if you've got really long hair, put it up into a bun.
Now that you're armed with the best tips for getting resin out of your hair, keep these tried and true methods at your fingertips! Bookmark this page now—it could save you a whole lot of hassle and hair-pulling.

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