Lately, I've been feeling so cluttered and disorganised! Look at the inside of one of my bead drawers - no order, hard to find what I'm looking for, and a bit of a tangle.
Unfortunately, most of my bead drawers look like this so it's time to bring some order to the chaos of the contents.

I have some fabulous Effektiv drawer units which I've posted about before (alas, they are no longer available). Some house my stamps and papers and others house my beads and findings - and that's where I'm at, at the moment.

And here it is neatly organised.......chaos into order!
I'm pretty pleased with the result and I have to say that this has been one of the easiest organising tasks I've undertaken so far.

I still have a lot of tidying and organising to do in my studio, but with a bead drawer that I can now find my beads in, I think I'll reward myself with some time to make something!