Unhappy with the colour and texture of a cab I had cast, I set about trying to improve it and added layer upon layer of colour until I was happy with the result. I wish I had a "before" shot to show you because it was really ugly. But now it is one of my favourite pieces!

The second piece was actually quite a nice cast but I wanted to work with the technique some more and this seemed like a good base to work on. It's a double sided piece and the colours on the back are similar yet totally different to the front. The lovely brass stamping was a special find on a trip to New York and it was the perfect fit for the heart.

I'll share more pieces using this technique in the future and some will even be available for purchase in the resin gallery of my website but I'll let you know when.
I'll be back later in the week with more creative ideas to show you.
'Til then,