There was a time when I used to say that
if it stood still long enough I will stamp it. That statement eventually made way to this one:
if it stands still long enough I will paint it with Lumiere paint but now I can add to that "
if it stands still long enough I will Zentangle it!"
Oh my..... I'm hooked! How can something so simple have such an addictive effect on you?
I just can't explain, except to say that I'm now seeing patterns absolutely everywhere I look. I never noticed them before but now I see they are everywhere around me. And I just feel compelled to get them onto paper before I forget them. I have doodled so much over the last few weeks that I have run out of ink in my trusty Zig writer so it will be a trip to Officeworks this week to see what other suitable pens I can find to doodle with.
So without a pen to doodle with I think I should share a couple of the things I've been up to. Firstly, a pendant. This is a slight variation of the one I
featured last week. Looks funky on the 1970's inspired background, doesn't it?

For this piece I've wrapped my Zentangle disk in a silver filigree stamping so it has a lovely patterned back as well as the doodled front. Those fun little silver puffs are actually balls of bright, shiny wire. They add a really fun touch to the choker.
Of course, as I said earlier, you can Zentangle any surface that stands still long enough which leads me to the next piece which is worked on a more traditional surface, cardstock. This piece is part of an upcoming class where you will learn how to incorporate some simple Zentangle patterns into your papercrafting projects. More details will be available closer to the class date but I do hope you'll pencil this class into your diary.

And whilst I'm talking about classes, here's what I'll be teaching this Saturday at Stamp Antics.

Join me in the morning for a class using the latest and greatest product to hit the shelves in your local papercrafting shop: Kutalicious mirrored acrylic embellishments. These are manufactured right here in Brisbane and I'm proud to be supporting such a great product made by a local manufacturer. In class we'll be using the birds and birdcages which are all the rage at the moment but there are many other shapes and themes available in the range. You'll also learn another technique for colouring acetate. You can check out the class details on my
In the afternoon class we'll be working with Friendly Plastic.

If you've ever wanted to make the wonderful mosaic pens you see sprinkled throughout the pages of my blog, then this is the class for you. You'll learn the basics of working with Friendly Plastic and all my secrets for successfully making your own Friendly Plastic pens. Don't worry if you've never worked with Friendly Plastic before.... I will walk you through every step of the way. Check out the details of the class at
Mill Lane Studio.
Cheerio for now,