Tomorrow we start a new year and we all hope to start afresh resolving to improve this and change that. And like everyone who makes a New Year's resolution, I want to succeed, not fail!
So I will not sabotage myself before the year starts.
I will make just one promise to myself..... to procrastinate less. Not "to stop procrastinating" but just to procrastinate LESS. I procrastinate in all areas of my life: at home; in my work life; in my studio; everywhere! The procrastination monster is a mighty beast that is hard to tame so I will be happy to just control it a little bit better than I do at the moment!
So here's to 2011 - and to less procrastination. Happy New Year!
And just quickly before I go, I'm in print in the latest edition of Scrapbooking m.m. - a Swedish magazine. Wow! I've never been translated before! It's strange to see your instructions written in a different language!

'Til next time.....

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