I’m fortunate to have mastered making bows but I know that many people are bow challenged and this just might be the tool that helps you overcome that challenge. With this template, a few simple wraps will give you the basis of a double bow. Then you secure the pieces together - you can use a needle and thread, or as we did in the make and take, you can staple the pieces together. You don’t have to worry about them showing as they will be covered in the next step. Finally, you take an additional short length of ribbon and wrap it around the centre, securing it with hot glue and voila, a very tidy double loop bow.

My second great find is Silver Silk, a knitted wire lace available in four widths: 1.5mm round, 2.2mm flat, 3.75mm flat and 4.8mm flat. And then there is Capture, a knitted tube that captures a ball chain inside. It's the black one in the image below.
Notice how you the light catches on the chain inside the lace! And cleverly, the manufacturer has also designed coordinating end caps in one, two and three holes to make your jewellery secure and give it a professional finish. There are several metal colours available as well as a range of non-metal colours. Check out the gallery on their website for ideas on how to use this fabulous new product.

Immediately following CHA was the JFA Show (Jewelry, Fashion & Accessory). Luckily, it is in the exhibition hall adjacent to CHA so I don't have to find my way around Chicago. When I walked into this show I was just gobsmacked – I have never seen anything like it: aisle after aisle of jewellery, beading supplies and fashion accessories. There was even a craft section for those of us who hadn’t had enough at CHA. For me though, it was straight to the bead suppliers where I found myself in bead heaven. I have truly never seen so many supplies together in one place and I would love to share a snap with you but I didn’t think to take a photo (and it probably wouldn’t have been allowed anyway!). But I can share with you some of what came home with me.
By the time I packed it all into my suitcase, I was well and truly over the baggage allowance. Yes, my suitcase is truly heavy as both the hotel bell boy (who had to carry my bag down 8 flights of stairs because all the lifts were out of service) and the driver who had to lift it in and out of the shuttle will tell you.
This show was quite an experience and I hear that it visits the convention centre four times a year. Wow, it must be so good being a beader in Chicago!

This show was quite an experience and I hear that it visits the convention centre four times a year. Wow, it must be so good being a beader in Chicago!
Well, I’m leaving Chicago tonight and have just enough time for a trip to Michael’s craft store to stock up on some supplies. I’ll be back in Brisbane in a day or so and will hopefully be back in routine in a few days.
I hope you've enjoyed these little snippets from the new releases which caught my eye at CHA.
'Til next time......
'Til next time.....

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