I haven't seen Crafts 'n Things at newsagencies in Australia which is a shame because it's a great general crafting magazine with something in it for every crafter; there are projects for stampers, card makers, beaders, cross-stitchers, knitters, quilters.... the list goes on. It's a bumper magazine, but beware..... the October issue is full of Halloween inspired projects!
I really wanted to get hold of this magazine and being the impatient person that I am, I went online to subscribe to the digital edition so I don't have to wait for it to arrive in the mail. A 6 issue sub cost less than $20!
The great thing about the digital version is that the print quality is excellent so I can print off the projects I want to try without adding to the mountains of magazines already in my studio or in boxes in the garage. I must say though that I still really love to get my hands on a physical magazine so that I can sit down with a cuppa and flick through the pages. But, I guess this is what the digital age is all about; we'll soon all sit down with that cuppa and flip through the pages of our favourite magazine on our electronic devices instead!
'Til next time.....

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