I've totally converted her from being a serious papercrafter into a serial jewellery maker. Jenny's become a regular student in my studio as well as being a great bead shopping buddy. She says I'm like a kid in a lolly shop when I'm around beads..... I think she is too! We make a good pair. So when you put us together in the studio with jewellery making supplies you can imagine what fun we get up to.
Jenny is a fast learner. She's swapped her paper crafting tools for pliers and she's becoming mighty skilled with them too.
What a great dangle component!
And this is what she's working on.....
.......a gorgeous chandelier earring, designed and created by Jenny!
Fantastic job Jenny!
Jenny is moving away from the big smoke in a few months so my job is to arm her with as many jewellery making skills as we can fit in. Next lesson on the drawing board is making a multi-strand necklace/bracelet. Do check back in to see how she gets on.... If her last two lessons are anything to go by, I'm sure I'll be giving her an "A". Just don't forget Jenny, your homework is to complete the other earring!
'Til next time.....

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