There were a couple of cool tools for tying bows. The first one is the Bow-it-All from Zutter which was being demonstrated by it's inventor, Stacy Nicholas. I watched closely as she created a very full bow from a continuous length of ribbon by firstly wrapping the ribbon around the outside pegs of the tool and then the inside pegs, then the outside and then the inside again.
She had a nifty little technique for tying it off so that the bow never came undone which I didn't catch on camera but check out the video in the link below to see how it's done.
With this easy to use tool, she quickly created a beautiful 6 loop bow for me.
There are a lot of features to like about the Bow-it-All such as the fact that it has both metric and imperial measurements - a boon to those of us who are always left convert measurements from inches to centimetres - well done Zutter!
Another great little feature is that all the pegs are stored neatly inside the base and it has its own zippered storage pouch.Yes, it all stores flat so it is easy to transport to your next crop.
All in all it's a well thought out tool and a must for anyone who wants to make fancy bows. You can watch Stacy in action as she shows you how to make bows using the Bow-it-All on the Zutter website.
The second bow making tool I found is from Little Pink Ladybug and it has been around for a while but it ties all sorts of different bows. It's called the Brilliant Bow Maker Bow Making system and it uses a set of multiple sized templates to create each of the different bows that it makes.
This would make a great bow for a headband..... what little girly-girl wouldn't love to have one of these in her hair!
You can see more information on the different systems at Little Pink Ladybug.
I'll be posting more of the soon to be released products and things I found interesting at CHA in the coming weeks so stay tuned.
'Til next time.....

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