Today I decided to tackle my studio which is generally pretty tidy because I teach here regularly. But in an effort to free up all the under utilised bench tops in my studio, I have had to empty out my cupboards and then discard, compact and rearrange everything in them. These bench tops have not seen daylight for over 2 years and are covered with piles and piles of papers and crafting stuff - it's time to clear them away!
This is a major clean up and probably not the sort of job I should be tackling just weeks away from CHA, but once I started pulling things out of the cupboards, the cleaning and sorting took on a life of its own. But as for compacting everything to make some cupboard space, well, this photo is a part of the result.
There's a standing joke about my cleaning up and sorting out efforts in my household. Everyone knows that things will get way worse before they begin to get better. What you're looking at in the picture above is not "way worse" - that was still to come..... but I got so busy trying to get beyond "way worse" that I forgot to photograph it.
But here is "way better".
You can see I've managed to free up one entire shelf inside the third cupboard. So today I've actually made some progress but I've had enough for now - tomorrow's another day!
'Til next time.....

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