So, for me, January is a very busy time making preparations for the Show. This week I'm working on little giveaways for visitors to my Designer Showcase. It will take a whole week to create these little treasures and today you get to take a little peek at the progress I am making. The most efficient (and fastest) way to tackle a project like this is to set up a production line. So here goes.....
There are lots of loops to turn. It's a good thing I like turning loops!
I find it less tedious to do them in batches of 10. It also helps me keep count of how many I've done.
To make sure I don't leave out any components whilst I'm assembling, I line them up on the work table in little trays. Then I just pick what I need from each tray.
It's fiddly work attaching the beads to the chain but they're really pretty! A lot of people don't like using AB beads, but I LOVE them and they'll work especially well with this project!
Now you've seen the beads..... but to make it uniquely Mill Lane Studio, it has to include resin.
There's a lot of casting still to be done and with at least four layers on each piece, I will be casting for several more days. If all goes to plan, these will be finished by early next week and then once all the pieces are cured, I can start the job of final assembly.
I really want to show you the finished piece, but as always, these things have to stay under wraps. So instead, let me show you what I made for the last show back in July.
This is one of two different resin rings I made. What could be more fun than wearing a delicious, mouthwatering sundae on your finger? Cherry Sundae is such a fun piece!
And here's a shot of the second ring. I don't seem to have a clear close up of this ring so it's a bit difficult to see the detail in it. The Flamenco ring is elegant and striking (and it was also very popular!).
Perhaps by the time the show rolls around again in July I'll be able to show you the finished piece I'm working on at the moment. I hope you can wait that long.
More pics to come... 'Til next time.....

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