At Bead Street, I found these gorgeous acrylic petals which I just couldn't resist.
They remind me of the sweet peas we planted in the garden a few weeks back. I can't wait until they flower, but in the meantime, I have this lovely selection of petals to include in my jewellery.
At the Bead Barn I found a good selection of cloisonné beads, some fancy magnetic closures and a variety of spacer beads and slides which I haven't seen before. I like to keep a variety of fancy closures on hand for projects that need the closure to be integrated into the design. These will be perfect as they look more like beads than clasps.
The Bead Barn is located in a tourist area outside of Canberra where there are a lot of other places that might interest crafty folks and it's well worth setting aside several hours to visit the area. We were there just before dusk and we spotted a herd of about 40 kangaroos just grazing on a vacant block of land across from the local Maccas - amazing what you find in suburbia in the ACT!
'Til next time.....

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