Our tree-trimming party inspired me to create a pair of whimsical wire Christmas Tree earrings. With colourful beads scattered along the wire, they are playful and full of festive cheer.
For this project, you'll need to know how to turn simple loops and make wire-wrapped loops. If these techniques are new to you, then check out these tutorials first:
Supplies you'll need for these earrings are:
- a cone or form to create your tree (I used a piping nozzle)
- 20 gauge non tarnish silver wire
- assorted large seed beads (size 6 approximately) - holes must be large enough to thread on the wire
- 2 6mm Silver Star Beads
- 4 small silver seed beads
- 2 silver earring wires
- G-S Hypo Cement
- tools: flat nose pliers, round nose pliers, flush cutters
When you get to the bottom of the cone, wrap once more around the cone to creat a flat bottom so that the earring will stand up. This is optional.
Thread on an assortment of beads. Move them around the spiral until you are happy with their position. Dab some G-S Hypo Cement
Thread a silver seed bead, the star and another seed bead on the top of tree. Create a wrapped loop to keep them securely in place and trim away the excess wire.
Finish the sharp end of the spiral by turning a small loop with your round nose pliers.
Create a matching earring and sit back and marvel at your spiral trees. These are sure to get many admiring comments.
'Til next time....

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